
Preserve and revive. By bringing life and activity to the former charterhouse, we can make its preservation possible.

A Historic Monument of National Significance

Lassen Sie uns
Kartause Ittingen is considered a cultural asset of national importance, and quite rightly so. The way it is used in diverse ways so as to enable the operation of a self-supporting business is unparalleled. Even so, if we want to guarantee the long-term preservation of the former monastery, we need considerable financial as well as ideological support.
Many million Swiss francs have gone into the site’s restoration since 1977, and it doesn’t stop here. Expensive restoration works will have to be carried out in the next years if we want to preserve the unique cultural monument for future generations. However, the public funds Kartause Ittingen Foundation receives are marginal.

Don’t Leave Us Standing in the Rain

10,000 square metres of roof area need to be repaired.
Please help us keep Kartause Ittingen’s historic roofs from leaking by generously supporting us. Make your donation to our Jubilee Fund account with Postfinance: PC 88-919351-9 Stiftung Kartause Ittingen Jubiläumsfonds 8532 Warth

Four decades of Kartause Ittingen Foundation

Kartause Ittingen Foundation was created on 20 April 1977. From the very start the aim was to save the former charterhouse from complete destruction and restore this unique cultural heritage back to its former glory by means of a well designed strategy. Foundation Kartause Ittingen is doing well economically. Yet, 40 years after its creation, we are facing a further phase of expensive restoration works. About a hectare (10,000 m2) of the 2.5 hectares of roof area need to be restored over the next years, lest Kartause Ittingen and its visitors will be left standing in the rain. We need a millon Swiss francs to finance the restoration works necessary over the next ten years.

Klausen 4 bis 6

Donations are used for restoration works exclusively. Thank you so much for your support!

Donation Barometer Anniversary Fund. With your contribution to the Jubilee Fund, 7166 square metres of roof can already be renovated.

The account balance of our anniversary fund in June 2020 is CHF 716,623. We would like to thank the donors for their much appreciated support.
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