
Kartause Ittingen Foundation is a foundation under private law. It was created on 20 April 1977, in accordance to article 80 ff. of the Swiss Civil Code.

By purchasing and restoring Kartause Ittingen, the foundation seeks to preserve the historic site and manage it as a largely self-supporting cultural centre. To this end, it runs seminars, operates a restaurant, a residential home and workplace for disabled people as well as a farm, and allows the canton of Thurgau to run Ittingen Museum and Thurgau Art Museum. Kartause Ittingen residential home and workshop offers accommodation and work, with the chance of occupational reintegration, to people with disabilities.
(Excerpt of the Foundation Charter of 20 April 1977)
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The foundation is directed and controlled by the Board of Trustees and the auditors. The maximum number of board members is 15, of which 6 come from the public sector, 4 have a business background, and 5 are freely chosen members.

Organisation Chart


Board of Trustees:

  • Carlo Parolari*, Chairman
  • Robert Fürer*, Deputy Chairman
  • Monika Knill*, Deputy Chairwoman
  • Dr. Mike Gessner*
  • Thomas Koller*
  • Matthias Aebi
  • Nora Ahlburg
  • Wilfried Bührer
  • Patrick Candrian
  • Susanne Giger
  • Peter Hinder
  • Prof. Dr. theol. Markus Ries
  • Kristiane Vietze

* Members of Foundation Board Committee

Executive Board:

  • Heinz Scheidegger, Procurator/CEO
  • Valentin Bot, hotel manager
  • Philipp Merkofer, head of sheltered work and accomodation
  • Corinne Rüegg Widmer, head of communication and marketing
  • Donat Streuli, head of the farm
  • Manuela Strim, head of finance and HR


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Annual reports from 2019 to 2023

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